
Angel Investors

By Triston Martin Updated on Dec 13, 2022
A business angel is a wealthy individual who makes a personal investment in a small company in return for a minority ownership share (often between 10% as well as 25%). Individuals most likely to become angel investors are those who have already established themselves as company owners or have substantial professional expertise. There is more to angel investing than simply money. An angel investor's time, expertise, network, and business savvy are all valuable assets to any company that accepts investment from one.

Angel investors are rich individuals who fund startups in return for a share of ownership. To finance their investments, angels don't have access to a pool of money as a VC company would. Compared to venture capitalists, angel investors may be more willing to put up with startups for longer and invest lesser sums of money over a longer period. In any case, investors need to know that they will be able to cash out their investment at some time, and the most common ways to achieve this are via a public offering or an acquisition. Many different types of enterprises may get funding from angel investors. Angel-funded enterprises returned to the seed and startup phase in 2020, well according to the Center of Venture Research of the University of New Hampshire, after an absence of many years.

How Much Do Angel Investors Want?

Angel investors will have higher expectations of your company's success if they invest more money (ROI). Angel investors and investment opportunities have unique return on investment (ROI) goals. The average return that angel investors want is 30%. Angel investors will be planning their departure based on their expected return on investment. At this stage, they cash out their share in the firm to recoup their original investment and any earnings. Keep in mind that the return on investment (ROI) required by venture investors will be greater. Companies like this will demand a higher profit margin since they are investing more money.

Cons And Pros Of Angel Investors For Startups

The primary benefit is that angel investment funding is far safer than loan finance. In contrast to a loan, investment capital does not need to be repaid in the event of a company's insolvency. Most angel investors are savvy business people who see the big picture. what are angel investors An angel investor may seek more than just a financial return on their money. Having to share ownership with angel investors is the biggest drawback. Your angel investor will have voting rights and an equity stake in the company in exchange for financial backing. When you have debt financing, the lending institution doesn't get a say in your business and doesn't get a cut of the earnings.

Sources Typical For Angel Investors

The phrase "angel investor" is relatively generic, and many distinct sorts of investors fit this description. In most cases, angel investors get their money from:

Friends And Family:

In fact, for many entrepreneurs, this is their only viable choice when it comes to raising capital for their new venture. As if the high failure rate of startups wasn't bad enough, there's also the danger of damaging personal connections if the firm fails. To avoid disappointment, it is essential to be honest about the possibility of it occurring.

Wealthy Individuals:

Investors with a net worth of at least $500,000 (usually) and a willingness to contribute in exchange for stock are another viable option. This is often accomplished via informal channels, for instance, the local Chamber of Commerce, where business contacts are shared.


where to find angel investors, angels are investing as part of a larger group, known as an angel syndicate, which increases their overall investment capacity. A professional management staff of the syndicate decides where the pooled monies should be invested on behalf of the investors.


Funding may be obtained via crowdsourcing, an online investment group, by having many people contribute as little as $100 each.

Communicate Before Taking Action

Any entrepreneur contemplating an angel investment should ask pointed questions about what, beyond the capital, the investor can provide the venture. This might include things like industry knowledge or connections to reliable suppliers. You should also prepare to work with angel investors by learning as much as possible about them and their working styles. Also crucial is having a well-thought-out strategy for your company. A small firm needs to have this to get loans and investments.


Angel investors are private people who provide capital to promising startups in return for ownership stakes or royalties. While exact numbers are difficult to pin down, between 2007 and 2017, angel investors poured almost $25 billion into 70,000 different businesses. Accredited investors, who can only invest large sums of money due to their high income or net worth, might not have been angel investors. The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 widened the pool of potential investors in startups to include regular people via avenues like crowdfunding.